
ThesechartsarethemostrecentfromtheECMWF'searly-runhighresolution(HRES)forecast....Windspeedat850hPa(about1.5kmabovesealevel)(inm/s)is ...,ThesechartsarethemostrecentfromtheECMWF'searlyrunhighresolution(HRES)forecast.Selectdesiredtimesandparametersusingthedropdownmenu.,Thischartshowsprobabilityinformationregardingseasonalanomaliesof850hPatemperaturesderivedfromtheECMWFSeasonalForecast(SEAS5).,E...

Mean sea level pressure and 850 hPa wind speed

These charts are the most recent from the ECMWF's early-run high resolution (HRES) forecast. ... Wind speed at 850 hPa (about 1.5 km above sea level) (in m/s) is ...

500 hPa geopotential height and 850 hPa temperature

These charts are the most recent from the ECMWF's early run high resolution (HRES) forecast. Select desired times and parameters using the drop down menu.

850 hPa Temperature

This chart shows probability information regarding seasonal anomalies of 850hPa temperatures derived from the ECMWF Seasonal Forecast (SEAS5).

Mean sea level pressure and 850 hPa wind speed Pangu ...

ECMWF is now running an experimental suite to evaluate the forecasting skill of a series of publicly available data-driven forecast models initialised by ...

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